Saturday, October 23, 2010

5 more weeks!

Well, I am 35 weeks and considering H came the day before his due date I would say that five weeks from today I will be holding my new little baby! We have gotten settled enough in the new house that I was able to finish H's room and get the nursery set up.

nursery/big boy room

Here are pics for your viewing pleasure! Notice the Nintendo curtain in H's room and the frame Nintendo fabric on the nursery. Thanks to Uncle Dustin for that!! And NO there is no initial on the wall yet! No hints this time guys!!

H is doing well, considering that he has been in the terrible two's since he was 18 months. He fell out of bed twice the second night he had his race car bed with the twin size mattress(we moved him up from the crib size mattress which also fits in the bed) but hasn't since. We also introduced a toilet seat that goes over the regular toilet. H promptly took it and put it over his head. It got stuck around his neck and I had to wrestle it off of him while he panicked and started flailing his arms about! It was REALLY funny and I laughed the whole time!! I didn't take a picture because he was REALLY upset and that would have seemed cruel, but damn it was funny.

Next weekend is Halloween and we dressing him up like a Cowboy. Chloe the English Mastiff will be his horse. I am excited! I am also having my "sprinkle" next weekend and am looking forward to a nice get together with friends and family!

Thanks for looking at my blog!


Mama Panda

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Big Boy Bed

When we moved in we put H in the nursery so I would be able to paint his room. Well, I got the room painted and we moved him in Saturday night! I was a bit nervous because the first night we spent in the new house I had to sleep with him on the fold out couch. I was hoping he would be adjusted enough that switching rooms wouldn't be as hard on him as moving houses and he did really well! We even switched beds to his "big boy bed" the same night. What a trooper! So here is his new room, almost complete. Missing some toy storage, a rug, and couple posters on the wall but it is almost there.

So now it is time to start on the nursery! I came across a Super Mario Bros sheet that my brother sent to Derek at some point and we decided to make that the curtain for our new baby. I want to make sure this baby has special things that have a story and meaning just like H did. So far we have a few items that are going to be especially his and I love that!

H is speaking really well, saying lots of sentences and he knows a lot people's names now. In particular he asks for his grandparents, Jeremy and Beth, and his BFF Connor! He also said "I love you" (well really he said ah wuv ooh) to me when I was putting him down for a nap this afternoon. Yipee!!

I'll post more pics when the nursery is done. My plan is to buy paint this week so by the weekend I should have a lot of it set up!!

Thanks for reading!


Mama Panda