Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here is what we did today, what did all of you guys do?

Halloween 2009


Mama Panda

Friday, October 23, 2009

11th Month Birthday

Derek referred to Harrison as being a year old today. I very firmly reminded him he is NOT a year yet, he is 11 months;-) Time is flying by quickly enough without him rushing it more.

We are preparing for his one year birthday party though. I bought some decorations, including an adorable hat. since our camera is broken Jeremy and Beth came over and took pictures of him for us for the invitation. They. Are. Adorable. I will post the invite when it goes out, hopefully early next week. We moved the party to the Saturday after thanksgiving to accommodate out of town family that will be in town then.

We will be sending invites to all out of town family and of course we understand that you can't come, but we want to make sure you know we are thinking of you! And since it is a holiday weekend I am sure that some people won't be able to come, we understand that too:-)

Here are some pics I took today to celebrate his 11 month birthday

He is resisting walking. Only does it if he has both of our hands to hold onto. He also still won't stand on his own if he knows he is doing it. Seriously if he is playing with a toy while standing and lets go of the couch, he will stand all on his own BUT if he realizes he is doing it he drops to the floor. Silly boy.

Otherwise, let's see what is new? Well, I have had my master's paper officially approved by my advisor so I am one BIG step closer to completing that. Just some paperwork and the oral exam to do.

Yes, you are allowed to laugh at the phrase oral exam.

I have officially returned to working casual on st 77. Need the extra $$$$! The first day I was back I was talking to one of the patients (this is a mental health unit for those of you that don't know) and another patient kept interrupting. I was like, "I will help you in one minute but I am right in the middle of something" I am thinking "what is her problem? She is being so unreasonable" but the patient kept interrupting. After a minute I remembered OH YEAH! She is mentally ill! Dang, that's right. I need to resharpen my skills a bit!

I have gotten a really bad cold and have been sick for a week. It must be some mutant strain. I had to call in sick to work then a week later I was STILL sick. Hacking and coughing like crazy. My boss was like, "do you need to go home?" I said "NO! (cough, cough) I'm fine!" they kept telling me to go home but I wasn't having any of it. Then at about five (I get done at six) I had another desperate coughing fit and declared "I am outta here!" I think they were relieved.

So far Harrison has not gotten sick, thank you Sweet Jesus!

Ummm what else? Harrison has a new friend that was born a few weeks ago. He is Jeremy and Beth's nephew/Godson Connor. I believe that makes them related some how. Godson in laws? Something like that. I look forward to play dates once Connor can hold himself up and , you know, he realizes he is alive and stuff.

I have this fear of Harrison not having any friends so I cling to any baby that is his age. Derek is great at making friends but me, not so much. I hope he takes after his Dad!

I ,right now, am looking forward to completing my oral exam (insert laughter here) and getting through the holidays. It has been one hell of a year for us and I am exhausted! Can't wait for January when I can relax a bit before I take on a new challenge.

Oh and I realized something. Jeremy watched Harrison for us the other day, all day. I was feeling very grateful then I realized that he should be grateful! He gets to hang out with an awesome kid all day, bring him to have lunch with his wife, then send him home to us AND he keeps all his money and still gets to sleep late. Crafty bastard. I knew I didn't like him for some reason.

Actually, okay, I am grateful to our babysitters (Grammie especially for all the hours she has put in) and I know I am the lucky one to have such a great kid, BUT, I think I may slip a $20 out of Jeremy's wallet the next time I see him anyway....


Mama Panda

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Four Year Anniversary!

Hey Everyone!

Today is our wedding anniversary! Yesterday was also Sheri and Dan's three year anniversary, congrats to you guys!

AND yesterday was my Aunt Sandra and Uncle John's wedding anniversary. I wish I new how many years they have been married. 37? Anyway congrats on the anniversary of your happy and successful marriage!! Here they are doing the Polka


Mama Panda