Sunday, January 11, 2009

Visiting the Deustermans

I stole some pictures off Robyn's website of our recent visit. Robyn's parents also came so we could celebrate Ma'am 's birthday and my birthday. Dan and Robyn made us Beef Stroganoff, it was excellent!! Harrison got to meet Ma'am and Sir (or Grandma Ma'am and Grandpa Sir, cuz really that is what they are) and Ma'am dubbed Harrison "Little Sir". Here are some pictures

visiting the deustermans

I go back to work on the 28th so I am trying to enjoy the next two weeks. I do feel like I am ready to go back, even though I am sure I will cry when the day comes! It starts to get kinda boring after 6 weeks.

I went to Station 77 at Southdale last week and saw my old friends. Ssia is coming to eat lunch with me for my birthday on Wednesday!! I loved being able to see my old friends. I miss them all so much. Mike held Harrison and he was a natural! he was the only boy that held the baby at all while I visited. I think the others were afraid they'd get their girlfriends preggers if they did. He told me afterwards that Harrison was the first baby he ever held, way to go Harrison!! Mike is a strict Freudian so it kinda killed me to have Mike hold him. Harrison is very oral ( he has loved his pacifier since the day after he was born) and Mike loves anything that proves Freud is THE ONLY theory that is true. Dammit. Okay I'll give him THAT one but I am still a believer in Jung and Frankl!!

Harrison is 7 weeks old now and is starting to sleep for longer and longer at night. I am hoping by 12 weeks he will be off night feedings. It could even be before that at this rate!! That is exciting! He is a good baby, I think we are very lucky with this one. AWWW, my special little guy.


Mama Panda

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