Yup. Close but no cigar.
I have been working hard at my new job and it got to be a bit much. My manager asked if my hours were too long and I had to admit that they were. (please don't fire me!!) I was having a lot of contractions and by the end of the day I could barely walk without flinching. so I am now working six hours instead of eight. By the end of last week I was completely worn out. I spent all day Sunday watching Scrubs and laying on the couch. This is my view all day.
Here are final pictures of the nursery,
Yes, that is an H on the wall. It is the first letter of belly's name. You can try to guess if you want or you can keep it a surprise. Either way I don't want to hear about it, so don't ask I still won't tell!! Actually don't ask at all it will just annoy me.
The oddest two things about being pregnant have been :
1. my incredible thirst. I can drink water all day and still feel parched. I know it isn't diabetes, it is just part of being preggers
2. congestion. Derek told me I was breathing horribly at night so I have started wearing those nasal strips. pretty hot huh? Pregnancy has made my nose bleed and be very stuffy, go figure.
I must say I am very proud that my son will be born into a world in which Obama is president elect. Once I found out I was pregnant I instantly saw the world differently. I worry more about the future of this country and of the world. I am relieved to be bringing a child into an Obama world and not a Bush/McCain world.
Derek and I will celebrate our nine year anniversary on Wednesday, so I'm sure I will post an update then.
mama panda
Happy anniversary! Hang in there, you're almost done!
You're naming your son Hitler Jeffrey Schille!?!
Also where did you get that big H I want a J to hang over my bed so that people know the score.
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