Hi folks! Harrison is one week old today. You know that hormone that woman have that makes them forget the pain of labor and delivery?Yeah, I am still waiting for that to kick in. i woke up this am with some mild ptsd symptoms. Of course it doesn't matter bc he is more than worth it!
I started feeling a bit funny on the Thursday before he was born while at work , sort of out of body and was having a really difficult time concentrating. I decided it was probably going to be soon so my manager told me I could take Friday off. I spent the day nesting and then on Saturday Derek and I walked the mall of America to get things going. by that night I was having signs that labor was impending. At 3:30 am I called the midwife and she told me not to come in yet. I called again at 11:30am and she told me not yet again. Well, I am positive that I was in active labor by that point but stayed home anyway. finally at 3pm I told Derek we needed to go NOW! When I got to the hospital I was 7-8 cm dilated. within an hour and 1/2 I was fully dilated and pushing. He was born at 7:40pm on Sunday 11/23, one day before his due date. Whew! I'll never forget those blue eyes staring at me when they laid him on my chest. We made eye contact the whole time he was being cleaned off.
Here is an album of various pictures we have taken in the last week.
one week |
We stayed home on Thanksgiving but we had out little turkey to celebrate with so it was a wonderful holiday. I can't believe Harrison has already had his first holiday!! I was hoping he would arrive in time to be our little turkey and he did! So far he has been to Grammie and Grandpa Schille's, Aunt Shannon and Uncle Matt's, and of course Target.
Things are going well at home. I am taking the night shifts although I try to bring him into our bed when possible. He isn't too fussy but I know he doesn't like it when he is laying in his bassinet alone. He is much more content snuggled with his dad or me. Derek has been wonderful. It is difficult to learn to breastfeed but things are going better. He has his first apt. with a pediatrician on Monday. we had a home health nurse come out last Friday and he has almost already gained back to his birth weight! I guess they give 10 days to gain the weight back and he had almost done it 5. He is a tiny little thing, 6 lbs 12.5 oz. last Friday. None of his clothes fit!! I am sure he will grow before I know it and will be remembering the day we couldn't find any clothes that fit him.
Harrison's name popped into my head one day. It was before we knew if he was a boy or a girl but I had been brainstorming boy names. We had like five girl names we liked. One day it just came to me and I ran it past Derek the next time we were discussing names. He really liked it too. When we found out it was a boy Derek asked if I still liked that name. I said that I loved that name and we decided that day our baby was Harrison. It is perfect!
I will continue to post. We have a lot of family and friends to introduce him to still and of course Christmas will be a big holiday this year. Keep checking back for pictures and updates!
happy birthday Harrison, Mommy loves you !!
mama panda