Monday, September 22, 2008

"belly" looks just like his dad

My clinic only does a twenty week ultrasound unless there is reason to believe more are needed. I am grateful that our boy is developing well but I wanted to see him again!A co-worker of mine is going to school to be an ultrasound tech at Argosy and told me that they need people to do ultrasounds for instructing the students. Long story short (too late) I went and here are some pics. He showed up really well on screen but the pictures printed dark...

I wanted to show this picture bc it is his chin, lips, and nose (along with his arm and hand covering his eyes). I couldn't believe how much he looks just like Derek! You may think I am crazy but I know it 's true. Never doubt a mommy!! I already see so much of Derek in our special little guy.

Here is his profile. Again sorry the pictures printed so dark!
These are his feet.
The teacher at this ultrasound and the tech at our twenty week ultrasound both commented that our baby is very photogenic. This may sound like a mommy bragging but I don't care!! Our baby was very cooperative and it was amazing to get to see him again. He only acted up once when he flipped and pushed his butt up in the air. He does this often to me which makes my stomach stick out in an odd bump just under my right ribcage. He is measuring a little bit large, just by four days. It isn't enough to change my due date but it makes me hope he will be born sooner rather than later. 10 months is soooo long to wait!

We decided to stop looking for houses because it was too frustrating. We will continue our search in 6 months and hopefully we will have better luck. The only good part of this decision is that we are going to start putting the nursery together soon! We have to replace the carpet first but hopefully I will have pictures of "belly's" room soon.

"Belly" is healthy and I am guessing pretty happy considering what I good boy he is being for me. We can't wait for him to arrive and have already bought him a Kenneth Cole Reaction sport coat and button down shirt and Ralph Lauren Polo layette.

What? They were on sale...


Mama Panda

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