Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Mum

Here is cute story, Melissa Mom (my mother-in-law) planted a mum from our wedding the day after. She was recently weeding (instead of cleaning her house, shame on her) and came across what she thought was a weed next to the mum from our wedding. She was about to pull it when she realized it was a baby mum that had been sprouted from the mama mum.

It is hard to find, but you can see it on the right hand side. Sheri will probably be able to see it, she's like certified in nature stuff. It should be sprouting flowers this fall as that is what mums do, perhaps it will still be in bloom this November?? So the title of this blog is new mum, get it?? get it?? I am a clever girl.

Here is a picture in which i look huge..

I dreamt last night that we had the ultrasound and the baby looked healthy but the tech wouldn't tell me the baby's gender!! I was practically chasing her down the street! We are guessing its a boy but only time will tell.

Mama Panda

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