We moved into our house this weekend! Yippee!! After everything we went through with this housing crisis I wasn't sure we would ever be in our own home, but here we are! Big thanks to my parents for helping us move and to Grammie and Grampa for watching H! We are in our forever home and we LOVE IT!
I was waiting until we had everything all signed and official before writing a blog about it so that would explain my absence for a while. I guess I can be a bit superstitious. I have been wanting to post though because I have so many wonderful things to share!
Another bit of happy news is that our family is welcoming a little girl! My cousin Erin and her husband Eric are expecting in January. Hopefully these second cousins will get to spend some time together as they grow up. As my sister Jen put, it was really great getting to grow up with cousins Erin and Sheri and it would be great for our kids to get to have that too! They live in Colorado though so we will have to see how soon the babies can have a play date. Either way I am sure of two things
1. This baby will be gorgeous and 2. This baby is very, very lucky!
Congrats to your and your whole family!
So what else has been going on? Well, the summer heat kicked my butt hard and I am sick of being pregnant! I was looking at pictures of H when he was first born trying to remember what it was like. Even though it feels like yesterday I can't really remember the details. Oh well, hopefully it will all came back to me! I am getting so excited to meet this new little one. I wonder what he looks like and what he will be like...
Otherwise I have been working, napping, and eating! I saw Lady GaGa with Beth and that was fun. Sheri came to visit and I got to spend a few hours with her, yay! That is about it . Here is a picture of the house. We are going to decorate H's room then the nursery. I will post pics as they are completed.
Thanks for reading!
Mama Panda
P.S. I almost forget. Melissa Mom gave me a very sweet present. It is a "first aid kit" for motherhood. It brought tears to my eyes. I didn't get to thank you properly.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and I love you.
So what else has been going on? Well, the summer heat kicked my butt hard and I am sick of being pregnant! I was looking at pictures of H when he was first born trying to remember what it was like. Even though it feels like yesterday I can't really remember the details. Oh well, hopefully it will all came back to me! I am getting so excited to meet this new little one. I wonder what he looks like and what he will be like...
Otherwise I have been working, napping, and eating! I saw Lady GaGa with Beth and that was fun. Sheri came to visit and I got to spend a few hours with her, yay! That is about it . Here is a picture of the house. We are going to decorate H's room then the nursery. I will post pics as they are completed.
Mama Panda
P.S. I almost forget. Melissa Mom gave me a very sweet present. It is a "first aid kit" for motherhood. It brought tears to my eyes. I didn't get to thank you properly.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and I love you.