Hello Everyone,
I have been a bit behind in my posts but I am returning with a bang! We are expecting baby #2 on November 27Th! Yup three days after Harrison's 2ND birthday he will officially be a big brother, give or take a few days of course;-)
Does this mean I don't have to bring a gift to the party?
Anyway if you are surprised imagine how I felt, YIKES! My tummy is a bit larger this time around so we decided to start telling. Once I pulled out my maternity clothes I figured the jig is up!
On a completely unrelated topic Derek and I have decided to start taking separate vacations in March. Yeah, about nine months before November is a dangerous time for us!
We have an ultrasound scheduled 6/30 but are unsure at this point is we are going to find out the gender. We are maybe going with the SURPRISE! theme...
Harrison turned 18 months on Sunday 5/23 and wore a button to let his family know about the exciting news.
Here are some pics of him a couple days after I took the pregnancy tests. I put them in my bedside drawer(which is a conundrum because what do you do with those? seriously you want to keep them because if is the only visual proof you have of your little munchkin but it is also kinda weird to keep things that I peed on in a drawer...)and H was playing upstairs. Next thing I know he has the pregnancy tests and is running around with them. I thought it was cute. Sorry the pics are blurry, I only had my cell phone available to take pics with....
I call this one "wait...you I am going to have a baby brother or sister?"
and this one is "WAIT! You mean I am going to get a little brother or sister!!!?"
So if you want to keep updated on this next adventure then I will post more than I have in the past five months. (sorry about that but what was there to say in the winter? "It is cold. We stay inside. We are sick. This sucks." )
But you can follow along with our new adventure if you would like. I will be here, gestating and trying to prepare myself for life with a newborn and a two year old.
What have I gotten myself into?
Here are some cut pics of H we took for his 18 month birthday...
Here are some cut pics of H we took for his 18 month birthday...
Mama Panda
P.S. in the spirit of being honest I kept my pregnancy tests from Harrison in my bed side table drawer until after he was born. I did not throw them out until we moved when he was four months old. Is that weird? You know what, never mind, pretend you didn't read that.