Friday, June 26, 2009

Harrison and Avery

Here is an adorable of pic of Harrison and his friend Avery. She is Bree's youngest and is 7 months older than H.

My friend Bree watches H for us sometimes when I have to work. Thank God for her! It is tough making it work. Even with me being part time it is hard to find daycare for him! We struggle every week. So thank you to Bree, my sister Jen, Melissa and Jeff (Grammie and Grandpa) and my parents (Grandma and Grandpa) for all your help!

Other funny pics

Jen, Matt, and Abby. The family having a laugh.

H on his 7 month b-day

This pic was taken right after.

Yup he is falling off the couch. (no worries I had my hand on him and caught him before he hit the ground)

Thanks for reading!

Mama Panda

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gone Boatin'

Happy Summer to everyone!

It actually arrived last weekend for me. I had the weekend off with no plans! The weather was great (especially considering last weekend I wore a turtleneck and sweater to work) I ended up having actual FUN! Like real fun, just like I was a kid again. I hardly remember what it is like.

One great fun activity was going on my sister Shannon's boat. Now I don't have fluorescent white legs anymore! Yippee! Harrison did really well on his first boating trip. He is such a trooper.

Here are some highlights...

My sister Shannon and Harrison
The Fam

That's us!

Shannon had the great idea to bring this mesh fruit feeder thingy to put ice cubes in to keep H cool. He could hold onto it and suck on the ice. It worked great! Good job Shannon! Nobody got burned, which is amazing. It was a great day!

Also, Harrison has officially cut his first tooth! He has been teething for a while but one teeth has finally broken through. I used to know someone who's teeth never grew in. Ever. She had to have fake teeth put in cuz she never grew her own. It is weird things like that I worry about at times. I never worried about SIDS or dog bites or infection, but not growing teeth worried me. This is why I drive Derek crazy.

You can tell the tooth hurts his sometimes. We did give him some Tylenol the other night because he was having a hard time sleeping. It was the first time we gave him any medicine so I had to go check on him afterwards to make sure he was OK ;-). He was just fine, obviously, and we haven't had to give him any since. How did we end up with such a great kid?

Shannon said our baby is the "pro having a baby" kind-the kind that makes people want to have a baby. Then there are the "birth control babies". We rolled the dice and got lucky I guess! It is about time, D and I have certainly had our bad hands dealt to us.

Wait. Dice. Bad hands. Oh crap, now I am mixing metaphors...

Thanks for reading!


Mama Panda

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Dustin!

Happy 30th Birthday Dustin! It's a big day. Harrison misses you and hopes you come visit soon. Maybe September? Yeah, we think that would be a good month for you to come see your nephew again!



Mama Panda

Monday, June 1, 2009


The baptism went very well. Thank you all for coming out! We had a few family members join us at the church for the actual baptism. It was performed by Theo Park-the same guy that married Derek and I. We love him and I have great respect for the man. I was a bit unsure of the baptism because my sister told me that baptisms are seen as a way of washing away the sins of a newborn.


That is a bunch of crap there is NO WAY a baby is born with sins. Before I even had a chance to ask Theo about this when we talked to him about the baptism he clarified that his view on baptism was NOT to wash away the sins of a baby because that was complete crap. AH! Good!

H wore the antique gown and behaved himself very well during the whole church service. Well, except for when he almost caught himself on fire.

Theo was holding H and lit the baptism candle. He then told H to "reach for the light of the Lord" of something like that and guess what H did? He reached for the light, clasped his hands around the candle and started bringing it directly to his mouth. Theo's eyes got really big and he quickly blew the candle out. OOOPS! Oh well, he was okay!

Hope everyone got to read the article! I think it turned out well. It is very exciting. When Derek was at the grocery store that morning to get last minute food items TWO ladies in line with him had already read the article and were VERY excited for D that his son was the baby in the paper! One lady at our church even brought the article in that morning to the service. Our little superstar!

Here are some pics after the baptism. We couldn't take pics during the ceremony, the episcopal church frowns on that, but these are the pics after.

The Godparents

with great-grandma schille

Grammie and GrampaGrandma and Grandpa

Thanks again for coming to the reception everyone. It was great to see you all!


Mama Panda